Feedback Roulette All the ideas and discussions
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Sort reviews by date so it is easier to see the newest one on the top

PLUS: automated rating from system...we only had 3 days to day before the system automatically rated for us. Not a good system, not everybody has time everyday for that!

Rolf Hicker , 01.12.2010, 22:05
Response from the site administrator
feedbackroulette, 25.12.2010
We are planning to implement a review management system. It will allow you to manage all your reviews however you want, including different sorting capabilities. Right now the reviews are sorted chronologically, in descending orders (latest reviews - at the bottom). But the new reviews that need to be rated appear on top.

As for 3 days for rating reviews - put yourself in the shoes of your reviewers. They don't get their FPs until the review is rated, so this time should be limited. It's set to 3 days, so that people who use Feedback Roulette at work can rate Friday's reviews on Monday.

And rating the review takes only a second. People usually do it right as they go through their feedback.
Idea status: scheduled


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