Feedback Roulette All the ideas and discussions
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record user-agent information, so I know browser and platform (at least) of reviewer.

Don't make the reviewer enter more information, and don't make this data prominent... but it's easy to record user-agent info, like browser and platform, etc.

John Roberts , 26.10.2010, 21:48

Provide information about the Browser and OS that were used to review the site

Adding the Browser, OS, resolution and other environmental features used by the reviewer would be a good idea. For ex. If something shows up corrupted on a reviewers browser, it would be good for the website owner to understand which browser displayed it as as such.

If this is done automatically by Feedback roulette, it would be easier for the reviewer too.

Nishant, 12.12.2010, 20:05
Response from the site administrator
feedbackroulette, 09.11.2010
This is on our list. We plan to implement automatic capturing of user agent and OS data and attaching it to the review.

We still haven't figured out what to do if one opens the site being reviewed in another browser bypassing any redirect links, etc. Please share your ideas on this topic.
Idea status: completed


Vera, 08.01.2011, 10:20
You could add some drop-downs list the browser and OS alongside the rating, which you automatically fill in. And just in case this is inaccurate, the reviewer will have the option to change this.
feedbackroulette, 09.01.2011, 19:55
This is a good idea Vera. Thank you very much!
JayInAtlanta, 28.02.2011, 01:58
It needs to be similar to what Vera described. I review most sites in three modern browsers AND some sites on mobile also! There would be no way at all for FBRoulette to know that without me telling it.
feedbackroulette, 30.06.2011, 14:55
We have implemented capturing the browser and os information, although we didn't go with the drop-down list option, thinking that some users might want to abuse this. Instead we will be implementing an iframe-based review page, where the site and the review form will be on the same page (so we will be able to associate the browser correctly).

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